(Download will be valid until the end of February 2013, after this you will find this mini in our store)
And, here is the full train! Enjoy! And have a lovely Valentine's Day!
And, as always, remember, we're a diverse group from around the world. All parts should be live by Midnight Eastern time on Valentine's Day, but some might be a little later (or earlier)!
Digital Scrapbooking Studio: http://www.digitalscrapbookingstudio.com/blog/
BooLand Designs http://www.boolanddesigns.com/
LouCee Creations http://louceecreations.com/blog/
Designs by Brigit http://designsbybrigit.blogspot.ca/
Scrappy Cocoa http://scrappycocoa.blogspot.com/
ADB Designs http://searching-history.blogspot.ca/
You Are Here: **Two Moose Designs http://2moosedesigns.blogspot.com/**
Linda Cumberland Designs http://linda-scrappingcorner.blogspot.ca/
Created by Jill Scraps http://createdbyjillscraps.blogspot.ca/
Digilicious Designs http://digilicious.typepad.com/digi_licious_designs/
Sweet Made http://sweetmadeinc.com/
Studio 4 Designworks http://www.scrapawhileatstudio4.blogspot.ca/
JanetB Designs http://janetb-designs.blogspot.com/
Kimberkatt Scraps http://kimberkattscraps.wordpress.com/
Let Me Scrapbook http://LetMeScrapbook.blogspot.com
Carin Grobe Design http://www.caringrobedesign.com/blog/
Mad Genius Designs http://madgeniusdesigns.com/